Embark on a journey to the ghostly village of Hesteyri, where the past whispers its tales. Sail along the tranquil waters of Jökulfirðir, one of Iceland’s renowned glacier fjords, and bask in the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings. Hesteyri, once a thriving village, now stands deserted. All of this happened as the inhabitants made a communal decision to leave in the late 1940s.
Upon arrival, a guide will lead you on a stroll through the abandoned streets, regaling you with the rich history and a sense of life on the brink of the world. Admire the pure, colorful nature of the Hornstrandir area, a mecca for hikers, as you wander.
The tour concludes at the historic Doctor’s house, where a light lunch awaits. However, much more captivating than the food is the chance to catch a glimpse of the region’s inhabitants – seals, arctic foxes, or even a majestic whale. So come, and embark on a wondrous journey to the village of Hesteyri.